沐鸣平台 Franchise Team

Sue Jones

Sue Jones

Managing Director

Teamwork makes the dream work and in a small family run business its essential that our Team share the same goals, visions and work ethics to enable us to reach our dream together. In 沐鸣娱乐 we really have developed a strong solid team of misfits - sorry talented individuals whose credentials are second to none.

Our team work incredibly hard to go that extra mile to support our parents, nurture our team and guide our staff to be the very best they can be! I am incredibly proud to be an integral part of this wonderful team, where work doesn't feel like work and each day the challenges that lie ahead are tackled together, wholeheartedly supporting one another.

Quite simply when you love the job you do and so do the likeminded people around you, you never feel like it's a 'job' it's a journey we are all on together!

Kind Regards

Sue xxxxx

(Chief of most things but not very good at washing coffee cups or taking bins out!)