沐鸣娱乐官网平台 The Blackbrook Butterflies!

24 May 2021

A month ago, Blackbrook (our nursery in Padgate), had a very special caterpillar delivery for the Early Learner and Reception children! Five little baby caterpillars arrived in their own special food container, which had everything they needed to grow and transform into beautiful butterflies. Everybody was very excited to start learning all about a caterpillar's life cycle and watching them all grow and change each day.

The caterpillars were very hungry and the children were amazed at how quickly they grew and started to make delicate silk webs inside their container. By mid May, the caterpillars had formed cocoons around themselves. The children loved watching the process and learning all about metamorphosis.

Click on the picture to watch the video of the cocoons.. you can see the butterflies moving around inside!

Blackbrook had some exciting news for us all over the weekend... two of the butterflies have emerged from their cocoons and one is on the way, leaving two more to go! We can't wait to to show all the boys and girls this week before we release them into the wild! Take a look at this amazing video of our beautiful new (temporary) additions to Blackbrook! Click on the picture below to watch our first two butterflies air their wings!

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